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Notice that LyngSat doesn't list channels in advance. The channels must
have started to be listed. Empty and unidentified channels are not listed
The info below is normally required when you send in new channels.
If you don't know all, plase send in what you know. It may be enough to add it.
Satellite (and/or position)
Polarization (H, V, R, L)
Channel name
Transmission standard (DVB-S, DVB-S2/QPSK, DVB-S2/8PSK, Digicipher 2)
SR = Symbol Rate
FEC = Forward Error Correction
ONID (optional)
TID (optional)
LCNs (for channels in packages)
Encryption system (or clear/FTA)
Your location (city and country)
Extra info:
Footprint maps
Teletext service
Home pages
Live streaming
Satellite Launch updates
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use webmaster@lyngsat-logo.com.
For updates to LyngSat Stream,
use webmaster@lyngsat-stream.com.
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LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by LyngSat Network.