The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States |
EPG at 17:35: | EPG metadata by Babeleye  | Now | 17:00-18:55 | The Iron Lady | | After her husband's death, Margret Tatcher could not still believe that he left. So she begins to talk to him as he still exists remembering all the memories they have lived together denying his absence. | Next | 18:55-19:30 | Planet Action | | Behind the scenes of our favorite action movies and the making of all fights and car blowings. |
Colour legend: (based on your location) |
Beam: |
Within footprint center |
Within footprint |
Outside of footprint |
Below horizon |
Beam data unavailable |
Frequency: |
Ku band |
C band |
S/Ka band |
- |
- |
System: |
DVB-S2 |
non-DTH |
- |
- |
Access: |
Clear, HD |
Clear, SD |
Encrypted, subscribable |
Encrypted, non-subscribable |
- |
The subscription info per country may be incomplete. |
Related channels: MBC, MBC + Power, MBC 2, MBC 3, MBC 3 USA, MBC 4, MBC 5, MBC Action, MBC Bollywood, MBC Drama, MBC Drama +, MBC Drama USA, MBC FM, MBC International, MBC Iraq, MBC Loud FM, MBC Maser, MBC Maser 2, MBC Maser Drama, MBC Maser USA, MBC Persia, MBC Variety +, Panorama FM, Panorama FM TV, Wanasah
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