The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States |
EPG at 11:05: | EPG metadata by Babeleye  | Now | 11:00-11:27 | News In Amazigh | | | Next | 11:27-11:40 | Generations Of The Future | | |
Colour legend: (based on your location) |
Beam: |
Within footprint center |
Within footprint |
Outside of footprint |
Below horizon |
Beam data unavailable |
Frequency: |
Ku band |
C band |
S/Ka band |
- |
- |
System: |
DVB-S2 |
non-DTH |
- |
- |
Access: |
Clear, HD |
Clear, SD |
Encrypted, subscribable |
Encrypted, non-subscribable |
- |
The subscription info per country may be incomplete. |
Related channels: Aflam TV, Al Maghribia, Athaqafia, Chaîne Inter, Idaa Mohammed Assadiss, Idaa al Amazighia, Idaa al Watania, Laayoune TV, Radio Agadir, Radio Casablanca, Radio Houceima, Radio Marrakech, Radio Meknes, Radio Oujda, Radio Tétouan
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