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Latest World additions:
250325: Payvand TV on TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat
250325: Urban TV on Intelsat 20
250325: KSTV on AsiaSat 9
250325: Wap TV on Intelsat 20
250325: Amen TV Sat on Intelsat 20
250325: TV Desa on AsiaSat 9
250325: Anadolum TV on Türksat 4A
250324: DW International on Al Yah 1

The EIRP values are for Paris, France
Position Satellite Beam
Frequency System SR
Video Lang. Encryption Packages Source
7.3°W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA
11277 V DVB-S 27500

M Al-Taie

EPG at 09:49:EPG metadata by Babeleye
Now07:00-10:00Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi
Happy, a modest married woman is caught in the crosshair by a crazy gang after they mistake her for Happy, the lecturer as they reach Shanghai at the same time.
Next10:00-11:00Lakhmi's Voyage (Ep26)
Lakshmi is a simple village girl, who finds herself facing many obstacles since her parents died, and the plan for her marriage changed. Now, she's going to Mumbai to meet her new destiny.

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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