
DMC Drama
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240915: DMC Drama left AsiaSat 9: 12415 V

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The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Position Satellite Beam
Frequency System SR
Video Lang. Encryption Packages Source
7.0°W Nilesat 201 Middle East
12092 V DVB-S 27500

Y Shobokshy

EPG at 22:54:EPG metadata by Babeleye
Now22:30-00:15When Love Strikes
Lail sees her husband Youssef in a new light when she discovers he's having an affair. Despite their separation, they remain connected through their children, and things grow more complicated when she falls into a forbidden love.
Next00:15-02:00My Sisters
Naglaa's nightmare becomes reality when she finds her husband, a source of her suffering, dead outside their house. Turning to her three sisters, they work together to solve the crime while facing their shared fear of men.

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
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