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Saudi Arabia

Latest additions from Saudi Arabia:
250218: Atfal & Mawaheb
250204: Ekhbariya TV
241202: Iqraa Arabic
240930: SBC
240930: Sunna TV
240930: Thikrayat TV
240930: KSA Sports 1
240930: KSA Sports 2
Latest World additions:
250309: Argus News
250309: News Daily 24
250309: Paras TV
250309: V2H3
250309: MV Go Sport
250309: V2H11
250309: TTD 9
250309: V2H7

Linear Streaming

This channel was last checked to be streaming in March 2025.

EPG at 18:00:EPG metadata by Babeleye
Now16:00-20:00Muawiya (Ep9)
Spanning from the easternmost reaches of China to the western lands of Andalusia, the Umayyad Empire forged a legendary history, bequeathing a profound cultural and civilizational legacy to the diverse regions it encompassed.
Next20:00-20:30WiFi (Ep2)
Several distinguished figures and stars in the Gulf present comedic situations and funny scenes. They address, sarcastically and gently, a group of societal situations and events that interest the public, and imitate famous people.

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Eutelsat 7 West A
Eutelsat 8 West B

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LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by LyngSat Network.

You are very welcome to send updates, corrections and report broken streams to webmaster@lyngsat.com

News at LyngSat Stream:
Atfal & Mawaheb
Paras TV
Argus News
News Daily 24