Al-Mahdi Satellite Channel
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Latest additions from Kuwait:
240527: Ch4Teen Live 3
240527: Ch4Teen Live 2
240527: Ch4Teen Clip
240527: Ch4Teen Quran
240527: Ch4Teen Kids
240527: Ch4Teen
240527: Ch4Teen Documentary
240213: Al-Abbasiya Al-Husseiniya Channel
Latest World additions:
240702: I24 News Hebrew
240701: Channel One
240701: Daystar TV
240701: I Plus TV
240701: Kongress TV
240630: Payame Aramesh TV
240630: Tapesh 2
240630: Omid-e-Iran

This channel was last checked to be streaming in April 2024.
Source: A Mardashti 240409

Eutelsat 8 West B
Al-Mahdi Satellite Channel is religious, non-political, non-profit 24/7 in Arabic language. Imam Al-Hujjah bin Al-Hassan
Al-Mahdi. The Twelfth Caliph of the Prophet of the End of Time, the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad bin Abdullah.
He was born on the fifteenth of the month of Sha'ban in the year 225 AH and disappeared from view in the year 329 AH.

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