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Latest World additions:
250308: Iraq Alhadath on Eutelsat 36D
250308: Fast 1 on Intelsat 20
250308: Village TV on Intelsat 20
250307: Al Kass Eight on Es'hail 2
250307: JN Power TV on Eutelsat 7B
250307: Loveworld UK on Astra 2G
250307: Al-Manar TV on Eutelsat 70B
250307: Daystar TV on SES 5

The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Position Satellite Beam
Frequency System SR
Video Lang. Encryption Packages Source
42.0°E Türksat 4A West
12188 V DVB-S2

117.0°W Eutelsat 117 West B North America
11670 H DVB-S2

Irdeto Star TV México
Marko Network
95.1°W Intelsat 30

Videoguard DirecTV Norte

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

Related channels:
2000s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, Adult Alternative, Adult Pop, Alpine Canada, Alternative Rock Classics, Around the World, Años 70, Años 80, Años 90, Banda y grupera, Baroque, Bass Breaks & Beats, Big Band, Brazilian Pop, Broadway, Chamber Music, Chansons, Chillout, Classic Hip Hop, Classic Masters, Classic R&B, Classic R'n'B & Soul, Classic Rock, Classical Calm, Classical Greats, Classical Orchestral, Clásicos del Soul y el Rhythm & Blues, Clásicos para todos, Cocktail Lounge, Cool Jazz, Country, Country Classics, Dance Classics, Dance Clubbin', Dancefloor Fillers, Dancehall Sessions, Deep Blues, Dreams, Drive, Easy Listening, Eclectic Electronic, Especiales, Euro Hits, Everything 80s, Flashback 70's, Folk Roots, Franco Attitude, Franco Country, Franco Fetes, Franco Pop, Franco Rétro, Freedom, Greatest Hits, Groove, Groove Disco & Funk, Hard Rock, Headbangers, Heavy Metal, Himnos del Rock, Hip Hop / R'n'B, Hit List, Holiday Favourites, Hot Country, House, Indie Classics, Jammin', Jammin' Reggae, Jazz Classics, Jazz Latino, Jazz Masters, Jazz Now, Jukebox Oldies, Just 70s, Just 80s, Just Kids, Just Millenium 2K, Kids' Stuff, Klô Pelgag, La Habana, Latin Lounge, Latino Tropical, Latino Urbana, Le Palmares, Le Top Détente, Maestros del Clásico, Maestros el Jazz, Mariachi para Siempre, Maximum Party, Mediterranean Music, Motown, Mousses Musique, Música Ligera, Música de Cámara, Nature, New Age, Nice & Cozy, Nostalgie, Nothin' but '90s, OMG, Opéra Plus, Poolside, Pop Adult, Pop Classics, Pop Latino Actual, Popcorn, R&B Retro, Reggaeton, Regional Mexican, Remember the 80's, Retro Latino, Rewind 80s & 90s, Riddim, Rock & Pop, Rock Alternative, Rock Anthems, Rock do Brasil, Rock en Español, Rock of Ages, Rock'n'Roll, Romance Latino, Salsa y Merengue, Samba & Pagode, Silk, Smooth Jazz, Soho 70s, Solo para Peques, Soul'n R&B, Soundtracks, South African Gospel, South African Modern, South African Traditional, Souvenirs, Special Stingray, Stingray CMusic, Swinging Standards, Tango, The Americas, The Blues, The Chill Lounge, The Light, The Spa, Tik Tok Radio, Today's Latin Pop, Total Hits Brazil, Total Hits France, Total Hits Italy, Total Hits UK, Trance, Turkish Silk, Türk Müzigi, Türk Sanat Müzigi, Türkçe Pop, UK Chart Toppers, Urban Beats, Viejitas pero Buenísmas, Viva México, World Carnival, Éxitos Recientes, Éxitos de las Américas

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