Astra 2G at 28.2°E: 11224 V
This satellite is below horizon in Dublin, United States |
The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States |
28.2°E |
Astra 2G |
Europe Ku, 0 dBW |
11224 V |
SR-FEC: 23000-2/3 |
C/N lock: 6.6 dB |
ONID-TID: 2-2106 |
Astra 2G 11224 V © LyngSat, last updated 2025-03-08 https://www.lyngsat.com/muxes/Astra-2G_Europe-Ku_11224-V.html |
Channel Name |
Video |
Lang. |
Audio Text |
Encryption |
Package |
Source Updated |
53147 |
NHK World Japan |
MPEG-4 HD 1080 |
2315 |
2316 2317 |
Eng Eng |
AC-3 |
D Shimoni J Robinson Lotrjw R Eckendorff M Al-Taie A Goff 150618 |
53148 |
Great! Romance Ireland |
2307 |
2308 |
Eng |
R Eckendorff 250107 |
53150 |
Arirang World |
MPEG-4 HD 1080 |
2309 |
2311 2312 |
Eng Eng |
AC-3 |
R Eckendorff 160921 |
53151 |
MTA 1 World |
MPEG-4 HD 1080 |
2305 |
2306 2313 2314 2318 2319 2320 2321 |
Hin Urd Eng Fre Ger Ara Ben |
AC-3 |
J Robinson 220824 |
53152 |
Iqra TV |
2322 |
2323 |
Urd |
J Robinson R Eckendorff M Al-Taie 250220 new |
53153 |
Iqra Bangla |
2324 |
2325 |
Ben |
J Robinson R Eckendorff M Al-Taie 250220 new |
53154 |
Islam TV |
2326 |
2327 |
J Robinson R Eckendorff M Al-Taie 250220 new |
Astra 2G 11224 V © LyngSat, last updated 2025-03-08 https://www.lyngsat.com/muxes/Astra-2G_Europe-Ku_11224-V.html |
Colour legend: (based on your location) |
Beam: |
Within footprint center |
Within footprint |
Outside of footprint |
Below horizon |
Beam data unavailable |
Frequency: |
Ku band |
C band |
S/Ka band |
- |
- |
System: |
DVB-S2 |
non-DTH |
- |
- |
Access: |
Clear, HD |
Clear, SD |
Encrypted, subscribable |
Encrypted, non-subscribable |
- |
The subscription info per country may be incomplete. |
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