
Apstar 6C at 134.0°E: 12269 V
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This satellite is below horizon in Dublin, United States
The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States

China National Radio

China, 0 dBW

134.0°E Apstar 6C China, 0 dBW 12269 V DVB-S SR-FEC:

C/N lock:
2.7 dB

SID Channel Name
Video VPID APID Lang. Audio
Encryption Package Source
101 CNR 1 Voice of China

80 Chi
102 CNR 2 Voice of Finance

84 Chi
103 CNR 3 Music Radio

88 Chi
104 CNR 4 Golden Radio

92 Chi
105 CNR 5 Taiwan service 1

96 Chi
106 CNR 6 Taiwan service 2

100 Chi
107 CNR 7 Radio The Greater Bay

104 Chi
108 CNR 8 Minorities service

109 CNR 9 FM 106.6

112 Chi
110 CNR 1 Voice of China

116 Chi
118 China Radio International

119 CNR 7 Radio The Greater Bay

152 Chi
120 China Radio International

121 China Radio International

160 T Kameda
141 CRI Ez FM

240 Eng
142 CRI Hit FM 88.7

244 Eng
143 CRI Newsradio

248 Chi
144 CRI Newsradio

252 Chi
150 CRI Newsradio

276 Chi

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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