Europe Main | Atlantic America
0.6°W Thor 7
0.8°W Thor 5
0.8°W Thor 6
1.0°W Intelsat 10-02
3.0°W ABS 3A
4.0°W Amos 3
5.0°W Eutelsat 5 West B
7.0°W Nilesat 201
7.0°W Nilesat 301
7.3°W Eutelsat 7 West A
8.0°W Eutelsat 8 West B
11.0°W Express AM44
14.0°W Express AM8
15.0°W Telstar 12 Vantage
16.0°W Hotbird 13E
18.0°W Intelsat 37e
22.0°W SES 4
23.0°W Intelsat 28
24.8°W Alcomsat 1
27.5°W Intelsat 901
30.0°W SpainSat
30.0°W Hispasat 30W-5
30.0°W Hispasat 30W-6
31.5°W Intelsat 25
34.5°W Intelsat 35e
36.0°W Hispasat 36W-1
37.4°W NSS 10
37.6°W Telstar 11N
40.5°W SES 6
43.1°W Sky Brasil 1
45.0°W Intelsat 14
47.5°W SES 14
53.0°W Intelsat 23
55.5°W Intelsat 34
58.0°W Intelsat 21
61.0°W Amazonas 2
61.0°W Amazonas 3
61.0°W Amazonas 5
61.0°W Amazonas Nexus

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -

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