
Asia & Pacific
America Main | Asia Europe
177.0°W NSS 9
180.0°E Intelsat 18
172.0°E Eutelsat 172B
169.0°E Horizons 3e
166.0°E Intelsat 19
163.0°E ChinaSat 19
162.0°E Superbird B3
160.0°E Optus D2
160.0°E Measat 3a
160.0°E Koreasat 6
159.0°E ABS 6
156.0°E Optus D3
156.0°E Optus 10
154.0°E JCSAT 2B
152.0°E Optus D1
150.5°E BRIsat
150.0°E JCSAT 1C
146.0°E Nusantara Satu
145.0°E Express AMU7
144.0°E JCSAT 16
144.0°E Superbird C2
142.0°E Apstar 9
140.0°E Express AM5
140.0°E Express AT2
138.0°E Telstar 18 Vantage
134.0°E Apstar 6E
134.0°E Apstar 6D
134.0°E Apstar 6C
132.0°E JCSAT 12
132.0°E JCSAT 5A
132.0°E Vinasat 1
131.8°E Vinasat 2
130.5°E ChinaSat 6C
130.0°E ChinaSat 2D
128.5°E LaoSat 1
128.0°E JCSAT 3A
128.0°E Cosmos 2526
126.0°E ChinaSat 10R
125.0°E ChinaSat 6D
124.0°E JCSAT 4B
122.0°E AsiaSat 9
120.0°E AsiaSat 6/Thaicom 7
119.5°E Thaicom 4
119.1°E Bangladesh 1
118.0°E ChinaSat 4A
118.0°E Telkom 3S
116.0°E Koreasat 6A
116.0°E Koreasat 7
115.5°E ChinaSat 6E
113.0°E Koreasat 5
113.0°E Koreasat 5A
113.0°E Merah Putih 2
110.0°E BSAT 4B
110.0°E BSAT 3C/JCSAT 110R
110.0°E JCSAT 15
110.0°E BSAT 4A
108.2°E SES 7
108.2°E SES 9
108.0°E Telkom 4
105.5°E AsiaSat 7
103.0°E Express AMU3
101.6°E ChinaSat 3A
101.4°E ChinaSat 9B
100.5°E AsiaSat 5
98.0°E ChinaSat 11
97.3°E G-Sat 9
96.5°E Express 103
95.0°E SES 8
95.0°E SES 12
93.5°E G-Sat 15
93.5°E G-Sat 17
92.2°E ChinaSat 9
91.5°E Measat 3b
91.5°E Measat 3d
90.0°E Yamal 401
88.0°E ST 2
87.5°E ChinaSat 12
86.5°E KazSat 2
85.2°E Intelsat 15
83.0°E G-Sat 10
83.0°E G-Sat 24
83.0°E G-Sat 30
80.0°E Express 80
78.5°E Thaicom 6
78.5°E Thaicom 8
76.5°E Apstar 7
75.0°E ABS 2
75.0°E ABS 2A
74.0°E G-Sat 18

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -

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