Free TV from South Korea
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South Korea

Latest free TV additions from South Korea:
250221: TVN Premium on JCSAT 4B

Latest World additions:
250308: Iraq Alhadath on Eutelsat 36D
250308: Fast 1 on Intelsat 20
250308: Village TV on Intelsat 20
250307: Al Kass Eight on Es'hail 2
250307: JN Power TV on Eutelsat 7B

The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Logo Channel Name Position Satellite Beam EIRP

Arirang Korea
LyngSat Stream

Arirang World 166.0°E Intelsat 19 West hemi 0 4174 V DVB-S SD
105.5°E AsiaSat 7 C 0 3760 H DVB-S HD
68.5°E Intelsat 20 Landmass 0 3795 V DVB-S2 HD
68.5°E Intelsat 20 Landmass 0 4054 V DVB-S SD
40.0°E Express AM7 Ku Fixed 3
11637 H DVB-S2 SD
28.2°E Astra 2G Europe Ku 0 11224 V DVB-S2 HD
19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11509 V DVB-S HD
13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 11727 V DVB-S2 HD
7.3°W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA 0 11277 V DVB-S SD
58.0°W Intelsat 21 West hemi 41.3-43.3 4080 V DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

CGN TV 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12347 V DVB-S SD
95.0°E SES 12 Indo China
11568 H DVB-S SD
68.5°E Intelsat 20 Landmass 0 3782 V DVB-S SD

LyngSat Stream

CGN TV Chinese 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12347 V DVB-S SD

LyngSat Stream

CGN TV Japan 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12347 V DVB-S SD

LyngSat Stream

Channel A
LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

EBS English 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12577 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

EBS Plus 1 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12577 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

EBS Plus 2 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12577 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Edaily TV
LyngSat Stream

GCN Korea 138.0°E Telstar 18 Vantage China 0 12739 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Gongyoung Home Shopping
LyngSat Stream

Good TV
LyngSat Stream

GS My Shop
LyngSat Stream

GS Shop
LyngSat Stream

Home & Shopping
LyngSat Stream

Jeonju MBC
LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

KBS 1 TV 116.0°E Koreasat 6A

11900 L DVB-S2 HD
KBS 2 TV 116.0°E Koreasat 6A

12523 V DVB-S2 HD
KBS Korea 113.0°E Koreasat 5A Maritime
12710 V DVB-S2 HD
68.5°E Intelsat 20 Landmass 0 3715 V DVB-S2 HD
40.0°E Express AM7 Ku Fixed 3
11637 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

KBS World 113.0°E Koreasat 5A Maritime
12710 V DVB-S2 HD
93.5°E G-Sat 15 India
11630 V DVB-S2 SD
40.0°E Express AM7 Ku Fixed 3
11637 H DVB-S2 SD
13.0°E Hotbird 13F Wide 0 11179 H DVB-S2 HD
7.3°W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA 0 11277 V DVB-S SD
123.0°W Galaxy 18 Ku 48.6-52.6 12078 V DVB-S SD
Korean Forces Network TV
LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

MBC 116.0°E Koreasat 6A

12560 V DVB-S2 HD
113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12665 H DVB-S2 HD
MBN 116.0°E Koreasat 6A

12406 V DVB-S SD
LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

National Assembly TV 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12577 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

NHTV 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12554 H DVB-S HD

LyngSat Stream

OUN 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12577 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

SBS 116.0°E Koreasat 6A

12545 V DVB-S2 HD
Shopping NT
LyngSat Stream

SkyGuide 113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12536 H DVB-S2 HD
LyngSat Stream

Tomato TV
LyngSat Stream

TV Chosun
LyngSat Stream

TV Chosun 2
LyngSat Stream

W Shopping 116.0°E Koreasat 7 Korea
12054 H DVB-S2 HD

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

Yonhap News TV
LyngSat Stream

YTN 113.0°E Koreasat 5A Maritime
12710 V DVB-S2 HD

LyngSat Stream

LyngSat Stream

YTN World 58.0°W Intelsat 21 West hemi 41.3-43.3 3840 H DVB-S SD

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by LyngSat Network.

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