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Latest World additions:
250308: Iraq Alhadath on Eutelsat 36D
250308: Fast 1 on Intelsat 20
250308: Village TV on Intelsat 20
250307: Al Kass Eight on Es'hail 2
250307: JN Power TV on Eutelsat 7B
250307: Loveworld UK on Astra 2G
250307: Al-Manar TV on Eutelsat 70B
250307: Daystar TV on SES 5

The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Logo Channel Name Position Satellite Beam EIRP

LyngSat Stream

ATV Sur 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 HD
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 1seg

LyngSat Stream

ATV+ 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 HD
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 1seg
Bethel TV 17.0°E Amos 17 West & Central Africa 0 11990 V DVB-S2 HD
15.0°W Telstar 12 Vantage Pan America 49 11795 H DVB-S2 SD
61.0°W Amazonas 5 Latin America
12430 H DVB-S2 HD

LyngSat Stream

Canal IPe 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4102 H DVB-S2 SD
Exitosa TV 40.5°W SES 6 Hemi 40-41 3910 L DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Latele 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 1seg
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3945 V DVB-S2 HD
Latina 61.0°W Amazonas 5 Latin America
12092 V DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Panamericana TV 116.8°W Eutelsat 117 West A Hemi C 39-40 3963 H DVB-S2 HD
116.8°W Eutelsat 117 West A Hemi C 39-40 3963 H DVB-S2 1seg
116.8°W Eutelsat 117 West A Hemi C 39-40 4164 H DVB-S2 HD
116.8°W Eutelsat 117 West A Hemi C 39-40 4164 H DVB-S2 1seg

LyngSat Stream

TV Cosmos 15.1 116.8°W Eutelsat 117 West A South America
12017 H DVB-S2 HD

LyngSat Stream

TV Libertad 30.0°W Hispasat 30W-5 America 48 12052 H DVB-S2 HD
TV Perú 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4102 H DVB-S2 HD
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4102 H DVB-S2 SD
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4102 H DVB-S2 1seg
45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4110 H DVB-S SD
61.0°W Amazonas 2 South America 0 10728 H DVB-S SD

LyngSat Stream

TV Perú Internacional
LyngSat Stream

TV Perú Noticias 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 4102 H DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Willax TV 45.0°W Intelsat 14 Americas C 35.5-39.5 3844 V DVB-S2 SD

LyngSat Stream

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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