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Latest free TV additions from Germany:
250222: Adria Music TV on Eutelsat 16A

Latest World additions:
250308: Iraq Alhadath on Eutelsat 36D
250308: Fast 1 on Intelsat 20
250308: Village TV on Intelsat 20
250307: Al Kass Eight on Es'hail 2
250307: JN Power TV on Eutelsat 7B

The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Logo Channel Name Position Satellite Beam EIRP

100% Deutsch
LyngSat Stream
80er Radio Harmony
LyngSat Stream
AFN The Eagle Bavaria
LyngSat Stream
AFN The Eagle Kaiserslautern
LyngSat Stream
AFN The Eagle Spangdahlem
LyngSat Stream
AFN The Eagle Stuttgart
LyngSat Stream
AFN The Eagle Wiesbaden
LyngSat Stream
Antenne Bayern 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12148 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Antenne Brandenburg Potsdam 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2
Bayern 1 Oberbayern 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bayern 2 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bayern 3 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BFBS Germany 10.0°E Eutelsat 10B Wide Ku
11221 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BR 24 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BR 24 Live 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2
BR Heimat 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BR Klassik 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BR Puls 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
BR Schlager 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bremen Eins 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bremen Next 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bremen Vier 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Bremen Zwei 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Cosmo 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Das Ding 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Deutschlandfunk 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 11694 V DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Deutschlandfunk Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 11694 V DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Deutschlandfunk Nova 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 11954 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Dokumente und Debatten 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 11954 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
DW-Radio 5 26.0°E Badr 8 EMENA BSS 0 12111 H DVB-S
8.0°W Eutelsat 8 West B MENA 0 11137 H DVB-S2
DW-Radio 8 57.0°E NSS 12 East Africa 0 10985 H DVB-S2
13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 11727 V DVB-S2
5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
DW-Radio 9 13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 11727 V DVB-S2
5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
DW-Radio A2 26.0°E Badr 8 EMENA BSS 0 12111 H DVB-S
8.0°W Eutelsat 8 West B MENA 0 11137 H DVB-S2
DW-Radio FM 1 13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 11727 V DVB-S2
5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 11727 H DVB-S2
DW-Radio FM 2 13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 11727 V DVB-S2
5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
DW-Radio FM 3 5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
DW-Radio FM 4 5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
DW-Radio FM 5 5.0°E SES 5 Sub Saharan Africa 0 12034 H DVB-S
Echo 13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 10949 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Ego FM 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 12460 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
EuroSpar Music 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
FFN 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12633 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
HR 1 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
HR 2 Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
HR 3 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
HR 4 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
HR Info 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Jam FM 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 12460 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Klassik Radio 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 12460 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
MDR Aktuell 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Jump 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Klassik 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Sachsen 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Sachsen-Anhalt 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Sputnik 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
MDR Thüringen Mitte/West 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
N-Joy 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR 1 Niedersachsen Hannover 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR 1 Radio MV Schwerin 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR 1 Welle Nord Kiel 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR 2 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR 90.3 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR Blue 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR Info Niedersachsen 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR Info Spezial 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
NDR Schlager 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Oldie Antenne 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12148 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Radio HBR 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12633 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Radio HCJB Deutschland 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12633 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Radio Horeb 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12604 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Radio NRW 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 11695 V DVB-S
Radio Paloma 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12633 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
Radio POS AC 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio POS AC International 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio POS CHR 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio POS Easy 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio POS Easy Listening 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio POS Soft AC 23.5°E Astra 3C West 0 12168 V DVB-S
Radio Sakharov 13.0°E Hotbird 13G Wide 0 10949 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
RBB 24 Inforadio 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
RBB 88.8 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
RBB Fritz 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
RBB Radio 3 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
RBB Radio Eins 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Rock Antenne 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12148 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
SR 1 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SR 3 Saarlandwelle 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SR Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Sunshine Live 19.2°E Astra 1N Pan Europe 0 12148 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
SWR 1 Baden-Württemberg 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR 1 Rheinland-Pfalz 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR 3 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR 4 Mainz 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR 4 Stuttgart 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR Aktuell 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
SWR Kultur 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Toggo Radio 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
12188 H DVB-S

LyngSat Stream
WDR 1 Live 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2
WDR 1 Live Diggi 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR 2 Rhein und Ruhr 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR 3 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR 4 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR 5 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR Die Maus 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
WDR Event 19.2°E Astra 1P Pan Europe
11053 H DVB-S2
You FM 19.2°E Astra 1M Europe 0 10891 H DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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