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Latest additions from Egypt:
241123: Alghad TV
241003: Al Qahera News
240818: Rotana Cinema Egypt
Latest World additions:
250114: Hubei Satellite TV
250114: Hubei Longshang
250114: Hubei Economic
250114: Hubei Education
250114: Hubei Film & TV
250114: Hubei Comprehensive
250114: Hubei Life
250113: U News

This channel was last checked to be streaming in November 2024.

EPG at 23:11:EPG metadata by Babeleye
Now23:00-23:45Bucharest's Allies
Lack of appreciation leads humans to take the wrong way to find themselves. Sayed Gab Allah, a talented boxer known as Sayed Bucharest turns to crime because his country doesn't appreciate his talent.

Eutelsat 172B
Nilesat 201
Anik F3

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